
Archive for January 14th, 2024

In what ways do you communicate online?

Hmm, it seems I have blogged about this before.

Nowadays there are so many ways where we could communicate online. Whereas before, you only rely on phone calls and snail mails, you can now choose how to get in touch with your friends and relatives, the fastest being e-mails, texts, messages and more. Gone are those days when we were so excited to receive snail mails from friends. Provided they are online too, you can communicate with them instantly. I use Messenger a lot now. One can talk or message a relative or friend online as long as you want. You can send photos, share even what you had for lunch or dinner, share reflections about life, update your friends on your health and daily happenings.

Let us not forget our blog posts, they serve as our online diary.

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